The translating, printing, and shipping facet of Preach Evangelistic Ministries. Literally tons of Scripture and Christian literature across the world has been shipped and distributed to people hungry for the Gospel.
Goals of Tons Of Truth
Communicate how kids and adults can make a difference. On average $1.50 ships and distributes a NT into the hands of a student. Use simple figures to show what their investment can accomplish. On average $1,000.00 ships one ton. Show the literacy impact that Scripture can make. Challenge churches to ship by the Ton.
Gets a NT into a students hand
Ships 1 ton of Scripture
Pounds of Scripture & Literature Shipped
Nations Reached
TONS OF TRUTH is designed to fuel an operation of saturation. Millions, yea billions, have not held a portion of scripture, and we know that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God; therefore, we believe this ministry to be imperative to accomplishing world evangelization, effective discipleship, and the establishment of local churches.
"Never underestimate the power of the printed pages of God's living word. When read in one's mother tongue it can be the greatest missionary of all. It never goes on furlough and is never considered a foreigner. It preaches always with power where and when we cannot."
-Dr. Paul E. Pritchard