Joe and Joyce Davis
Vice President
Christian author, L.E. Maxwell wrote, “Faith is often born in despair. To become exceeding sinful in our own eyes may bring us to Paul’s heart-rending cry: “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24.) I did not understand the words that way, but that is where I found myself as a teenager reared in a small mostly Baptist community just north of Chattanooga, Tennessee. God graciously saved me that day.
Several years later, I met a farm girl from Maryland who captured my heart and I hers. We were engaged then married May 27, 1972 while I was in the U.S. Navy. After the arrival of our first daughter and an honorable discharge, we moved to Tennessee. A year later Joyce was saved on a Thursday night.
A few months later it became obvious to me and my pastor that God had called me into the gospel ministry. Yielding ourselves to God’s call, I attended a nearby Bible college while pastoring in a small mountain community. God blessed us with two more daughters while there. From these small beginnings God has allowed 43 years in ministry this year, nearly thirty years in the pastorate, Bible instructor, evangelism, and ten years as a missionary evangelist with Preach Evangelistic Ministries.
Our desire is to bring glory to God in the world through discipleship, evangelism, training of faithful men, and helping others to know and worship our great God.